Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Adding a User or Group to a Global Entitlement
You can use the lmvutil command with the --addUserEntitlement or --addGroupEntitlement option
to add a user or group to a global entitlement.
lmvutil --addUserEntitlement --userName domain\username --entitlementName name
lmvutil --addGroupEntitlement --groupName domain\groupname --entitlementName name
Usage Notes
Repeat the lmvutil command for each user or group to add to the global entitlement.
These commands return an error message if the specified entitlement, user, or group does not exist or if the
command cannot add the user or group to the entitlement.
You can specify these options when you add a user or group to a global entitlement.
Table 512. Options for Adding a User or Group to a Global Entitlement
Option Description
Name of a user to add to the global entitlement. Use the format domain\username.
Name of a group to add to the global entitlement. Use the format
Name of the global entitlement to which to add the user or group.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --addUserEntitlement --
userName domainCentral\adminCentral --entitlementName "Agent Sales"
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
--addGroupEntitlement --groupName domainCentral\adminCentralGroup --entitlementName "Agent Sales"
Removing a User or Group From a Global Entitlement
You can use the lmvutil command with the --removeUserEntitlement or --removeGroupEntitlement
option to remove a user or group from a global entitlement.
lmvutil --removeUserEntitlement --userName domain\username --entitlementName name
lmvutil --removeGroupEntitlement --groupName domain\groupname --entitlementName name
Usage Notes
These commands return an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized, if the
specified user name, group name, or entitlement does not exist, or if the command cannot remove the user
or group from the entitlement.
You must specify these options when you remove a user or group from a global entitlement.
Chapter 5 lmvutil Command Reference
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