Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Listing the Pods or Sites in a Cloud Pod Architecture Topology
You can use the lmvutil command with the --listPods or --listSites option to view the pods or sites in
your Cloud Pod Architecture topology.
lmvutil --listPods
lmvutil --listSites
Usage Notes
These commands return an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized or if the
command cannot list the pods or sites.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
Managing SSL Certificates
You can use lmvutil command options to create and activate pending SSL certificates in a Cloud Pod
Architecture environment.
The Cloud Pod Architecture feature uses signed certificates for bidirectional SSL to protect and validate the
VIPA communication channel. The certificates are distributed in the Global Data Layer. The Cloud Pod
Architecture feature replaces these certificates every seven days.
To change a certificate for a specific View Connection Server instance, you create a pending certificate, wait
for the Global Data Layer replication process to distribute the certificate to all View Connection Server
instances, and activate the certificate.
The lmvutil command certificate options are intended for use only if a certificate becomes compromised
and a View administrator wants to update the certificate sooner than seven days. These options affect only
the View Connection Server instance on which they are run. To change all certificates, you must run the
options on every View Connection Server instance.
Creating a Pending Certificate on page 58
You can use the lmvutil command with the --createPendingCertificate option to create a
pending SSL certificate.
Activating a Pending Certificate on page 59
You can use the lmvutil command with the --activatePendingCertificate option to activate a
pending certificate.
Creating a Pending Certificate
You can use the lmvutil command with the --createPendingCertificate option to create a pending SSL
LMVUtil --createPendingCertificate
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
58 VMware, Inc.