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48 VMware, Inc.
Resize Automatic and Linked-Clone Desktop Pools
Define PowerShell functions to check the current usage of all desktop pools, and to resize any automatically
provisioned or linked-clone desktop pools that are at their maximum capacity.
# PollAllPoolsUsage
# Parameters
# $increment Amount by which to increase a pool that is at maximum capacity (default = 5).
function PollAllPoolsUsage
{ param ($increment)
if(-not $increment){
$increment = 5
# Retrieve all pool objects and check each one individually
$pools = Get-Pool
foreach ($pool in $pools){
PollPoolUsage $pool $increment
# PollPoolUsage
# Parameters
# $Pool Pool object that represents the pool to be checked.
# $increment Amount by which to increase pool that is at maximum capacity.
function PollPoolUsage
{ param ($Pool, $increment)
# Get a list of remote sessions for the pool (errors are suppressed)
$remotes = Get-RemoteSession -pool_id $Pool.pool_id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Count the remote sessions.
$remotecount = 0
$remotecount = ([Object[]]($remotes)).Count
# Determine the maximum number of desktops configured for a pool.
$maxdesktops = 0
if($Pool.deliveryModel -eq "Provisioned"){
$maxdesktops = $Pool.maximumCount
} else {
$maxdesktops = $Pool.machineDNs.split(";").Count
# Output the usage statistics for a pool.
Write-Output ("==== " + $Pool.pool_id + " ====")
Write-Output ("Remote session count: " + $remotecount)
Write-Output ("Maximum desktops: " + $maxdesktops)
# If a pool is using all its desktops, increase its maximum size
# or output a warning if it cannot be resized.
if($maxdesktops -eq $remotecount){
if($Pool.deliveryModel -eq "Provisioned"){ # Pool type can be resized
$newmaximum = [int]$Pool.maximumCount + [int]$increment
if($Pool.desktopSource -eq "VC"){ # Resize an automatic pool
Update-AutomaticPool -pool_id $Pool.pool_id -maximumCount $newmaximum
} elseif ($Pool.desktopSource -eq "SVI"){ # Resize a linked-clone pool
Update-AutomaticLinkedClonePool -pool_id $Pool.pool_id -maximumCount $newmaximum
Write-Output ("Pool " + $Pool.pool_id + " is using 100% of its desktops. Maximum VMs
increased to " + $newmaximum)
} else { # Pool type cannot be resized
Write-Output ("Pool " + $Pool.pool_id + " is using 100% of its desktops. Consider
increasing its capacity.")