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View Integration
78 VMware, Inc.
Network Statistics
The WMI class name for PCoIP network statistics is
Table 6-4 shows the network statistics for a PCoIP session.
To calculate the bandwidth in kilobits per second for received data over the time interval from time t1 to time
(BytesReceived[t2]-BytesReceived[t1]) * 8 / (1024 * (t2-t1))
Do not use RXBWkbitPersec for the preceding calculation.
To calculate the bandwidth in kilobits per second for transmitted data over the time interval from time t1 to
time t2:
(BytesSent[t2]-BytesSent[t1]) * 8 / (1024 * (t2-t1))
Do not use TXBWkbitPersec for the preceding calculation.
To calculate the packet loss in percentage for received data over the time interval from time t1 to time t2:
PacketsReceived during interval = (PacketsReceived[t2]-PacketsReceived[t1])
RXPacketsLost during interval = (RXPacketsLost[t2]-RXPacketsLost[t1])
RXPacketsLost % = RXPacketsLost during interval /
(RXPacketsLost during interval + PacketsReceived during interval) * 100
Do not use RXPacketLostPercent or RXPacketLostPercent_Base for the preceding calculation.
To calculate the packet loss in percentage for transmitted data over the time interval from time t1 to time t2:
PacketsSent during interval = (PacketsSent[t2]-PacketsSent[t1])
TXPacketsLost during interval = (TXPacketsLost[t2]-TXPacketsLost[t1])
TXPacketsLost % = TXPacketsLost during interval /
(TXPacketsLost during interval + PacketsSent during interval) * 100
Table 6-4. Network Statistics
WMI Property Name Description
RoundTripLatencyms Round trip latency in milliseconds between the PCoIP server and the
PCoIP client.
RXBWkbitPersec Overall bandwidth for incoming PCoIP packets averaged over the
sampling period, in seconds.
RXBWPeakkbitPersec Peak bandwidth in kilobits per second for incoming PCoIP packets over a
one-second sampling period.
RXPacketLossPercent Percentage of received packets lost during a sampling period.
TXBWkbitPersec Overall bandwidth for outgoing PCoIP packets averaged over the
sampling period, in seconds.
TXBWActiveLimitkbitPersec Estimated available network bandwidth in kilobits per second. This
statistic is updated once per second.
TXBWLimitkbitPersec Transmission bandwidth limit in kilobits per second for outgoing packets.
The limit is the minimum of the following values:
GPO bandwidth limit for the PCoIP client
GPO bandwidth limit for the PCoIP server
Bandwidth limit for the local network connection
Negotiated bandwidth limit for the Zero Client firmware based on
encryption limits
TXPacketLossPercent Percentage of transmitted packets lost during a sampling period.