
Table 16. Horizon Client Configuration Template: Security Settings (Continued)
Setting Description
Ignore certificate revocation
(Computer Configuration setting)
(View 4.6 and earlier releases only) Determines whether errors that are
associated with a revoked server certificate are ignored. These errors occur
when the server sends a certificate that has been revoked and when the client
cannot verify a certificate's revocation status.
This setting is disabled by default.
The equivalent Windows Registry value is IgnoreRevocation.
Ignore incorrect SSL
certificate common name (host
name field)
(Computer Configuration setting)
(View 4.6 and earlier releases only) Determines whether errors that are
associated with incorrect server certificate common names are ignored. These
errors occur when the common name on the certificate does not match the
hostname of the server that sends it.
The equivalent Windows Registry value is IgnoreCertCnInvalid.
Ignore incorrect usage
(Computer Configuration setting)
(View 4.6 and earlier releases only) Determines whether errors that are
associated with incorrect usage of a server certificate are ignored. These errors
occur when the server sends a certificate that is intended for a purpose other
than verifying the identity of the sender and encrypting server communications.
The equivalent Windows Registry value is IgnoreWrongUsage.
Ignore unknown certificate
authority problems
(Computer Configuration setting)
(View 4.6 and earlier releases only) Determines whether errors that are
associated with an unknown Certificate Authority (CA) on the server certificate
are ignored. These errors occur when the server sends a certificate that is signed
by an untrusted third-party CA.
The equivalent Windows Registry value is IgnoreUnknownCa.
For more information about these settings and their security implications, see the Using VMware Horizon
Client for Windows document.
Security-Related Settings in the Scripting Definitions Section of the
Horizon Client Configuration Template
Security-related settings are provided in the Scripting Definitions section of the ADM template file for
Horizon Client (vdm_client.adm). Unless noted otherwise, the settings include both a Computer
Configuration setting and a User Configuration setting. If you define a User Configuration setting, it
overrides the equivalent Computer Configuration setting.
Settings for Scripting Definitions for USB devices are stored in the registry on the host machine under one of
the following paths:
For 32-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Client\USB
For 64-bit Windows: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Client\USB
Settings for Scripting Definitions for the password are stored in the registry on the host machine under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Client\USB.
Chapter 1 View Security Reference
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