
Table Of Contents
View Upgrade Overview 2
Upgrading an enterprise View deployment involves several high-level tasks. Upgrading is a multistage
process in which procedures must be performed in a particular order. You upgrade View Composer before
upgrading View Connection Server and the other View servers.
During an upgrade, View does not support View Composer provisioning and maintenance operations.
Operations such as provisioning and recomposing linked-clone desktops are not supported during the
transitional period when any View servers are still running the earlier version. You can successfully perform
these operations only when all instances of View Connection Server and View Composer have been
You must complete the upgrade process in a specific order. Order is also important within each upgrade
NOTE This overview relates to upgrades for major, minor, and maintenance releases. For information about
patches, see Chapter 9, “Applying View Patches,” on page 63.
How many of the following tasks you need to complete depends on which components of View you use in
your deployment.
1 On the physical or virtual machines that host View Composer and VMware
vCenter Server™, make
backups and temporarily halt certain scheduled tasks. See “Preparing vCenter Server and View
Composer for an Upgrade,” on page 21.
For details about which versions of View are compatible with which versions of vCenter Server and
ESXi, see the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix at
2 On the physical or virtual machines that host View Connection Server instances, make backups and
record various configuration and system settings. See “Preparing View Connection Server for an
Upgrade,” on page 23.
3 If you use security servers, make backups and record various configuration and system settings. See
“Preparing View Security Server for an Upgrade,” on page 24.
4 Upgrade View Composer on the existing host or migrate to a new machine. See “Upgrade View
Composer,” on page 25.
5 Upgrade View Connection Server instances that are not paired with security servers. See “Upgrade
View Connection Servers in a Replicated Group,” on page 34.
IMPORTANT After you upgrade a View Connection Server instance to the latest version, you cannot
downgrade that instance to an earlier version. After you upgrade all View Connection Server instances
in a replicated group, you cannot add another instance that runs an earlier version.
VMware, Inc.