User Profile Migration

Target V2 Profile Path
Use the target_profile_path setting to specify the path name of the target V2 profile after the migration:
The utility appends .V2 to the root folder name of the target V2 profile.
Folders to Include
Use the included_profile_folders setting to list the V1 profile folders to include in the migration.
By default, all top-level shell folders except Cache, History, and Local AppData are migrated. If you use this
setting, only the specified folders are migrated.
Format this setting as a comma-separated list. To specify folders, use the folder identifiers shown in
Table 1-2. Do not use folder names.
The following example specifies the My Documents, Desktop, Start Menu, and Network Neighborhood
folders to migrate:
<includefolders>Personal, Desktop, Start Menu, NetHood</includefolders>
Table 12. Folder Identifiers Used in the Migration Configuration File
Folder Identifiers Windows Folder Names
AppData \Application Data
Cache \Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
Cookies \Cookies
Desktop \Desktop
Favorites \Favorites
History \Local Settings\History
Local AppData \Local Settings\Application Data
My Music \My Documents\My Music
My Pictures \My Documents\My Pictures
My Video \My Documents\My Videos
NetHood \NetHood (Network Neighborhood)
Personal \My Documents
PrintHood \PrintHood (Printer Neighborhood)
Programs \Start Menu\Programs
Recent \Recent
SendTo \SendTo
Start Menu \Start Menu
Startup \Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Templates \Templates
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