User Profile Migration

Folders to Exclude
Use the excluded_profile_folders setting to list the V1 profile folders to exclude from the migration. This
list can exclude folders that are included by default and folders that reside under folders in the
included_profile_folders list.
Format this setting as a comma-separated list. To specify folders, use the folder identifiers shown in
Table 1-2. Do not use folder names.
The following example specifies the My Documents and My Pictures folders to exclude from migration:
<excludefolders>Personal, My Pictures</excludefolders>
Disable Registry Migration
To disable registry migration, set the optional disabled setting to "1". Use the following format:
<registry disabled="1">
Registry Keys to Include
Use the included_registry_keys setting to list registry keys to include in the migration.
By default, the all registry keys in the user registry hive are migrated to the V2 profile. If you use this
setting, only the specified registry keys are migrated.
Format this setting as a comma-separated list. To specify registry keys, use the following key identifiers:
Control Panel
Keyboard Layout
The following example specifies the Console and System keys:
<includekeys>Console, System</includekeys>
Registry Keys to Exclude
Use the excluded_registry_keys setting to list registry keys to exclude from the migration. You can exclude
keys that are included by default, keys that reside within the included_registry_keys list, and subkeys of top-
level keys.
Format this setting as a comma-separated list. To specify registry keys, use the key identifiers shown in
“Registry Keys to Include,” on page 13.
Example Migration Configuration Files
You can control a migration by editing settings in a migration configuration file.
Example: Migrating from a Remote Profile Path
The following example file converts all remote V1 profiles that reside under the \\file01\profiles folder to
V2 profiles in the same location.
Chapter 1 User Profile Migration Overview
VMware, Inc. 13