User Profile Migration

Ensure that the users whose profiles are being migrated are not logged in to their Windows XP systems
when you initiate the migration.
If a user is in an active session during the migration, the migration might fail.
Ensure that users do not start using their Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, or
Windows Server 2012 R2 desktops before the migration is completed.
When users start using their View desktops, View Persona Management creates V2 profiles for the
users. If a V2 profile already exists before the migration runs, the utility leaves the existing V2 profile in
place and does not migrate the legacy V1 profile.
migprofile.exe Command Usage
The syntax of the migprofile.exe command controls the migration of V1 profiles to V2 profiles.
When you install View Agent with the View Persona Management setup option on a virtual machine, the
migprofile.exe utility is installed in the install_directory\VMware\VMware View\Agent\bin directory.
When you install the standalone View Persona Management software on a system, the migprofile.exe
utility is installed in the install_directory\VMware\VMware View\Persona Management directory.
From a Windows command prompt, use the following syntax for the migprofile.exe command:
migprofile.exe [/s:source_path] [/t:target_path] [/r-:] [/takeownership] [config_file]
Table 11. migprofile.exe Command-Line Options
Option Description
The path name of the source V1 profile path to be migrated.
Use the wildcard '*' to indicate that all child folders should be migrated.
This option is mandatory. You must specify the source path either on the command
line or in the migration configuration file. If you specify the source path in both places,
the command-line value is used.
Path name of the target V2 profile path.
The migration utility creates a folder under this path with the same name as the source
V1 profile folder, appended by .V2.
This option is mandatory if the source path is a local V1 profile on a computer.
This option is optional if the source path is located on a CIFS network share. In this
case, if you do not specify a target path, the V2 profile folder is created as a sibling of
the source V1 profile folder on the same CIFS network share.
Disables registry migration.
This option is optional.
/takeownership Causes the migprofile.exe utility to take ownership of the user profile during the
Use this option if the administrator account that runs the migration utility does not
have ownership of the user profile to be migrated. Typically, only the user and
SYSTEM accounts have ownership of a user profile.
This option is optional. When you use this option, the original ownership of the user
profile is restored after the migration is completed.
Name of the migration configuration file.
This option is optional. Command-line options take precedence over the
corresponding settings in the configuration file if you specify values in both places.
Chapter 1 User Profile Migration Overview
VMware, Inc. 9