Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
7 When View Administrator prompts you to reload the client, click OK.
After the View Administrator user interface is refreshed, Global Entitlements appears under Catalog
and Sites appears under View Configuration in the View Administrator Inventory panel.
8 (Optional) To change the default name of the pod, select View Configuration > Sites, select the pod,
click Edit, type the new name in the Name text box, and click OK.
After the pod is joined to the pod federation, it begins to share health data. You can view this health data on
the dashboard in View Administrator. See “View Pod Federation Health in View Administrator,” on
page 29.
NOTE A short delay might occur before health data is available in View Administrator.
What to do next
You can repeat these steps to join additional pods to the pod federation.
Create and Configure a Global Entitlement
You use global entitlements to entitle users and groups to desktops and applications in a Cloud Pod
Architecture environment. Global entitlements provide the link between users and their desktops and
applications, regardless of where those desktops and applications reside in the pod federation.
A global entitlement contains a list of member users or groups, a list of the pools that can provide desktops
or applications for entitled users, and a set of policies. You can add both users and groups, only users, or
only groups, to a global entitlement. You can add a particular pool to only one global entitlement.
Decide which type of global desktop entitlement to create, the users, groups, and pools to include in the
global entitlement, and the scope of the global entitlement. See “Entitling Users and Groups in the Pod
Federation,” on page 10.
Decide whether the global entitlement should use home sites. See “Using Home Sites,” on page 11.
Create the desktop or application pools to include in the global entitlement. For information about
creating pools, see the Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View document.
Decide which users and groups to include in the global entitlement.
Initialize the Cloud Pod Architecture feature. See “Initialize the Cloud Pod Architecture Feature,” on
page 15.
1 Log in to the View Administrator user interface for any View Connection Server instance in the pod
2 In View Administrator, select Catalog > Global Entitlements and click Add.
3 Select the type of global entitlement to add and click Next.
Option Description
Desktop Entitlement
Adds a global desktop entitlement.
Application Entitlement
Adds a global application entitlement.
Chapter 3 Setting Up a Cloud Pod Architecture Environment
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