Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Become familiar with the lmvutil command authentication options and requirements and verify that
you have sufficient privileges to run the lmvutil command. See “lmvutil Command Authentication,”
on page 38.
To create a home site for a user, run the lmvutil command with the --createUserHomeSite option.
You can run the command on any View Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
lmvutil --createUserHomeSite --userName domain\username --siteName name [--entitlementName
Option Description
Name of the user. Use the format domain\username.
Name of the site to associate with the user as the home site.
(Optional) Name of a global entitlement to associate with the home site.
When a user selects the specified global entitlement, the home site
overrides the user's own home site. If you do not specify this option, the
command creates a global user home site.
For example:
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --createUserHomeSite --
userName example\adminEast --siteName "Eastern Region" --entitlementName "Agent Sales"
To create a home site for a group, run the lmvutil command with the --createGroupHomeSite option.
You can run the command on any View Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
lmvutil --createGroupHomeSite --userName domain\username --siteName name [--entitlementName
Option Description
Name of the group. Use the format domain\groupname.
Name of the site to associate with the group as the home site.
(Optional) Name of a global entitlement to associate with the home site.
When a user selects the specified global entitlement, the home site
overrides the user's own home site. If you do not specify this option, the
command creates a global group home site.
For example:
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
--createGroupHomeSite --groupName example\adminEastGroup --siteName "Eastern Region"
--entitlementName "Agent Sales"
Test a Cloud Pod Architecture Configuration
After you initialize and configure a Cloud Pod Architecture environment, perform certain steps to verify
that your environment is set up properly.
Install the latest version of Horizon Client on a supported computer or mobile device.
Verify that you have credentials for a user in one of your newly created global entitlements.
1 Start Horizon Client.
Chapter 3 Setting Up a Cloud Pod Architecture Environment
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