Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Deleting a Home Site
To remove the association between a user and a home site, use the lmvutil command with the
--deleteUserHomeSite option. To remove the association between a group and a home site, use the
lmvutil command with the --deleteGroupHomeSite option.
lmvutil --deleteUserHomeSite --userName domain\username [--entitlementName name]
lmvutil --deleteGroupHomeSite --groupName domain\groupname [--entitlementName name]
Usage Notes
These commands return an error message if the specified user or group does not exist, the specified global
entitlement does not exist, or if the commands cannot delete the home site setting.
You can specify these options when you remove the association between a user or group and a home site.
Table 515. Options for Deleting a Home Site
Option Description
Name of a user. Use the format domain\username.
Name of a group. Use the format domain\groupname.
(Optional) Name of a global desktop entitlement or global application
entitlement. You can use this option to remove the association between the
home site and a global entitlement for the specified user or group.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --deleteUserHomeSite
--userName domainEast\adminEast
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
--deleteGroupHomeSite --groupName domainEast\adminEastGroup
Viewing a Cloud Pod Architecture Configuration
You can use lmvutil command options to list information about a Cloud Pod Architecture configuration.
Listing Global Entitlements on page 56
To list all global desktop entitlements, use the lmvutil command with the
--listGlobalEntitlements option. To list all global application entitlements, use the lmvutil
command with the --listGlobalApplicationEntitlements option.
Listing the Pools in a Global Entitlement on page 56
Use the lmvutil command with the --listAssociatedPools option to list the desktop or application
pools that are associated with a specific global entitlement.
Listing the Users or Groups in a Global Entitlement on page 57
Use the lmvutil command with the --listEntitlements option to list all the users or groups
associated with a specific global entitlement.
Chapter 5 lmvutil Command Reference
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