Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Listing the Home Sites for a User or Group on page 57
To list all the configured home sites for a specific user, use the lmvutil command with the
--showUserHomeSites option. To list all the configured home sites for a specific group, use the
lmvutil command with the --showGroupHomeSites option.
Listing the Effective Home Site for a User on page 58
Use the lmvutil command with the --resolveUserHomeSite option to determine the effective home
site for a specific user. Because home sites can be assigned to users and groups and to global
entitlements, it is possible to configure more than one home site for a user.
Listing Dedicated Desktop Pool Assignments on page 59
Use the lmvutil command with the --listUserAssignments option to to list the dedicated desktop
pool assignments for a user and global entitlement combination.
Listing the Pods or Sites in a Cloud Pod Architecture Topology on page 59
To view the pods in the pod federation, use the lmvutil command with the --listPods option. To
view the sites in the pod federation, use the lmvutil command with the --listSites option.
Listing Global Entitlements
To list all global desktop entitlements, use the lmvutil command with the --listGlobalEntitlements
option. To list all global application entitlements, use the lmvutil command with the
--listGlobalApplicationEntitlements option.
lmvutil --listGlobalEntitlements
lmvutil --listGlobalApplicationEntitlements
Usage Notes
These commands return an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized or if the
commands cannot list the global entitlements.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --listGlobalEntitlements
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
Listing the Pools in a Global Entitlement
Use the lmvutil command with the --listAssociatedPools option to list the desktop or application pools
that are associated with a specific global entitlement.
lmvutil --listAssociatedPools --entitlementName name
Usage Notes
This command returns an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized or if the
specified global entitlement does not exist.
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
56 VMware, Inc.