
Table Of Contents
Table 69. Status Information Collected from View Connection Server (Continued)
Is This Field
Anonymous? Example Value
DNS name of the View Connection Server instance
IP address of the View Connection Server instance
NetBIOS host name of the View Connection Server instance
The current number of sessions on this View Connection
Server instance
No Integer
The maximum number of sessions on this View Connection
Server instance
No Integer
The current number of View Composer sessions on this
View Connection Server instance
No Integer
The maximum number of View Composer sessions on this
View Connection Server instance
No Integer
The version of the View Connection Server instance No 6.0.0
Table 610. Dynamic Usage Data Collected from View Connection Server
Is This Field
Anonymous? Example Value
Number of times individual PowerShell cmdlets have been
No List of integers
Number of times individual View API methods have been
invoked in the previous minute
No List of integers
Login rate, using passwords, over time No Float
Login rate, using the SSL server certificate, over time No Float
Login rate, using delegated authentication such as SAML,
over time
No Float
Average percent CPU utilization No Integer
Average percent memory utilization No Integer
Average logins with and without passwords available for
No Float
Number of times desktop connections have been launched
with each type of display protocol (PCoIP, RDP, and Blast
for HTML Access
No List of integers
Number of times a new client connection has been made to a
remote application, for each type of display protocol (PCoIP,
RDP, and Blast for HTML Access
No List of integers
Number of times launching a remote application results in a
new connection, a reused connection, a new session
connection, and a reused session connection
No List of integers
Number of times desktop connections have been launched
for a user who is entitled to n number of desktops
No List of integers, such as a list of how
many users are entitled to 1 desktop,
2 desktops, 3 desktops, and so on
Chapter 6 Maintaining View Components
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