
Table Of Contents
Table 22. Schema for the event and event_historical Tables (Continued)
Column Name Oracle Data Type SQL Server Data Type Description
ThinAppId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) ID of the associated ThinApp™ object.
Time TIMESTAMP datetime Time at which the event occurred,
measured from the epoch (January 1,
UserDiskPathId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) ID of the user disk.
UserSID NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) SID of the associated user in Active
The following table shows the schema for the event_data and event_data_historical database tables.
Table 23. Schema for the event_data and event_data_historical Tables
Column Name Oracle Data Type SQL Server Data Type Description
BooleanValue SMALLINT tinyint Value of a Boolean attribute.
0 = false
1 = true
EventID INTEGER int Unique primary key for the event.
IntValue INTEGER int Value of an integer attribute.
Name NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) Attribute name (for example,
StrValue NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) Value of a string attribute. For other
types of attributes, this column
contains an interpretation of the data
type as a string.
TimeValue TIMESTAMP datetime Value of a date and time attribute.
Type SMALLINT tinyint The data type of the attribute.
0 = StrValue
1 = IntValue
2 = TimeValue
3 = BooleanValue
Connection Broker Events
Connection broker events report View Connection Server-related information, such as desktop and
application sessions, user authentication failures, and provisioning errors.
The BROKER_DAILY_MAX_DESKTOP_SESSIONS event reports the maximum number of concurrent
desktop sessions over a 24-hour period. If a user runs multiple desktop sessions concurrently, each desktop
session is counted separately.
The BROKER_DAILY_MAX_APP_USERS event reports the maximum number of concurrent application
users over a 24-hour period. If a user runs multiple applications concurrently, the user is counted only once.
Short-lived sessions might not be included in the count because the sampling is performed every five
The BROKER_VC_DISABLED and BROKER_VC_ENABLED events report the state of the vCenter driver
that View uses to track a vCenter Server instance.
The BROKER_VC_STATUS_* events report the state of a vCenter Server instance.
The following table lists all the event types for View Connection Server.
Chapter 2 Integrating View with the Event Database
VMware, Inc. 11