
Table Of Contents
Table 24. Connection Broker Events
Event Type Severity ModuleAndEventText
The agent running on machine ${MachineName} has not
responded to queries, marking it as offline
BROKER_AGENT_ONLINE WARNING The agent running on machine ${MachineName} is
responding again, but did not send a startup message
BROKER_APPLICATION_LAUNCH_FAILURE ERROR Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: The broker encountered an error while
processing the request, please contact support for assistance
BROKER_APPLICATION_MISSING WARNING At least ${ApplicationMissingCount} applications, including
${ApplicationExecutable}, are not installed on $
{MachineName} in Pool ${PoolId}
BROKER_APPLICATION_NOT_ENTITLED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: User is not entitled to this Pool
AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: Requested protocol ${ProtocolId} is not
BROKER_APPLICATION_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Application $
BROKER_APPLICATION_SESSION_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested an application session
from Pool ${PoolId}
BROKER_DAILY_MAX_DESKTOP_SESSIONS INFO ${Time}: Over the past 24 hours, the maximum number of
concurrent desktop sessions was ${UserCount}
BROKER_DAILY_MAX_APP_USERS INFO ${Time}: Over the past 24 hours, the maximum number of
users with concurrent application sessions was ${UserCount}
BROKER_DESKTOP_LAUNCH_FAILURE ERROR Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: The broker encountered an error while
processing the request, please contact support for assistance
BROKER_DESKTOP_NOT_ENTITLED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: User is not entitled to this Pool
AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: Requested protocol ${ProtocolId} is not
BROKER_DESKTOP_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_EVENT_HANDLING_STARTED INFO Broker ${BrokerName} has started handling events
BROKER_EVENT_HANDLING_STOPPED INFO ${BrokerName} has stopped handling events
BROKER_MACHINE_ALLOCATED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Pool ${DesktopId},
allocated machine ${MachineName}
BROKER_MACHINE_ASSIGNED_UNAVAILABLE AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: Assigned machine ${MachineName} is
BROKER_MACHINE_CANNOT_CONNECT AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: Failed to connect to Machine $
{MachineName} using ${ProtocolId}
INFO Successfully configured video settings for Machine VM $
{MachineName} in Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_MACHINE_NOT_READY WARNING Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user $
{UserDisplayName}: Machine ${MachineName} is not ready
to accept connections
BROKER_MACHINE_OPERATION_DELETED INFO machine ${MachineName} has been deleted
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12 VMware, Inc.