
Table Of Contents
Table 33. View Administrator, View PowerCLI, and vdmadmin Operations (Continued)
Object Operation
PowerCLI vdmadmin
Move X
Remove X
Kiosk mode Add client account X
Disable authentication X
Enable authentication X
Get information X
Get defaults X
Remove client account X
Set defaults X
Linked-clone desktop Rebalance X X
Recompose X X
Recreate X
Refresh X X
Restore X
Set storage overcommit X X
Get network label
Permission Add X
Get information X
Remove X
Persistent user data disk Attach X
Delete X
Detach X
Get information X X
Replace X
Physical computer (View
Agent installed)
Get information X X X
Remote session Disconnect X X
Get information X X
Log out X X
Role Add X
Modify X
Remove X
RDS host Get information X X
User Configure policy X
Create administrator X
Get information X X X
Remove administrator X
Update FSP X
Chapter 3 Using View PowerCLI
VMware, Inc. 31