
Table Of Contents
# If a pool is using all its desktops, increase its maximum size
# or output a warning if it cannot be resized.
if($maxdesktops -eq $remotecount){
if($Pool.deliveryModel -eq "Provisioned"){ # Pool type can be resized
$newmaximum = [int]$Pool.maximumCount + [int]$increment
if($Pool.desktopSource -eq "VC"){ # Resize an automatic pool
Update-AutomaticPool -pool_id $Pool.pool_id -maximumCount $newmaximum
} elseif ($Pool.desktopSource -eq "SVI"){ # Resize a linked-clone pool
Update-AutomaticLinkedClonePool -pool_id $Pool.pool_id -maximumCount $newmaximum
Write-Output ("Pool " + $Pool.pool_id + " is using 100% of its desktops. Maximum VMs
increased to " + $newmaximum)
} else { # Pool type cannot be resized
Write-Output ("Pool " + $Pool.pool_id + " is using 100% of its desktops. Consider
increasing its capacity.")
Determining Paths to vSphere Inventory Objects
The following PowerShell function uses vSphere PowerCLI to return the full path to a vSphere inventory
# VVGetInventoryPath
# Parameters
# $InvObject Inventory object in vSphere PowerCLI.
# Examples
# VVGetInventoryPath (Get-VM -name myVM)
# VVGetInventoryPath (Get-ResourcePool | Select -first 1)
function VVGetPath($InvObject){
$objectType = $InvObject.GetType().Name
$objectBaseType = $InvObject.GetType().BaseType.Name
Write-Error "Use the VVGetDataStorePath function to determine datastore paths."
if(-not ($objectBaseType.Contains("InventoryItemImpl") -or
$objectBaseType.Contains("FolderImpl") -or
$objectBaseType.Contains("DatacenterImpl") -or
$objectBaseType.Contains("VMHostImpl") ) ){
Write-Error ("The provided object is not an expected vSphere object type. Object type
is " + $objectType)
$path = ""
# Recursively move up through the inventory hierarchy by parent or folder.
$path = VVGetPath(Get-Inventory -Id $InvObject.ParentId)
} elseif ($InvObject.FolderId){
Chapter 3 Using View PowerCLI
VMware, Inc. 47