
Table Of Contents
Modifying LDAP Configuration Data
You can export LDAP configuration data on a View Connection Server instance to an LDIF configuration
file, modify the LDIF configuration file, and import the modified LDIF configuration file into other View
Connection Server instances to perform automatic bulk configuration operations.
You can obtain examples of LDIF syntax for any item of LDAP configuration data in View by examining the
contents of an exported LDIF configuration file. For example, you can extract the data for a desktop pool
and use that data as a template to create a large number of desktop pools.
Export LDAP Configuration Data
You can use the vdmexport command-line utility to export configuration data from a standard or replica
View Connection Server instance to an LDIF configuration file.
By default, the vdmexport command-line utility is installed in the C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware
View\Server\tools\bin directory.
1 Log in to a standard or replica View Connection server instance.
Option Action
View 3.1 and earlier
Log in as an administrator and be a member of the Local Administrators
user group.
View 4.5 and later
Log in as a user in the Administrators or Administrators (Read only) role.
NOTE You must be logged in as a user in the Administrators or
Administrators (Read only) role to export configuration data from the
View configuration repository.
At the command prompt, type the vdmexport command and use the -f option to specify the name of the
LDIF configuration file to export.
For example: vdmexport -f myexport.LDF
Alternatively, you can redirect the output instead of using the -f option.
For example: vdmexport > myexport.LDF
The vdmexport command writes the configuration of your View Connection Server instance to the file that
you specify. The command displays errors if your role has insufficient privileges to view the data in the
configuration repository.
Defining a Desktop Pool in an LDIF Configuration File
You can define a desktop pool in an LDIF configuration file and import the customized LDIF configuration
file to create a large number of desktop pools.
NOTE You can also create customized LDIF configuration files for other objects that are defined in the
LDAP repository, including global configuration settings, configuration settings for a specific View
Connection Server instance or security server, and configuration settings for a specific user.
To define a desktop pool in an LDIF configuration file, you must add the following entries to the file.
A Virtual Desktop VM entry for each virtual desktop in the desktop pool
A VM Pool entry for each desktop pool
A Desktop Application entry that defines the entitlement of the desktop pool
View Integration
60 VMware, Inc.