
Change the Global Acceptance and Proposal Policies
To change the global acceptance and proposal policies for security protocols and cipher suites, you use the
ADSI Edit utility to edit View LDAP attributes.
Familiarize yourself with the View LDAP attributes that define the acceptance and proposal policies.
See “Global Acceptance and Proposal Policies Defined in View LDAP,” on page 24.
See the Microsoft TechNet Web site for information on how to use the ADSI Edit utility on your
Windows Server operating system version.
1 Start the ADSI Edit utility on your View Connection Server computer.
2 In the console tree, select Connect to.
3 In the Select or type a Distinguished Name or Naming Context text box, type the distinguished name
DC=vdi, DC=vmware, DC=int.
4 In the Select or type a domain or server text box, select or type localhost:389 or the fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) of the View Connection Server computer followed by port 389.
For example: localhost:389 or
5 Expand the ADSI Edit tree, expand OU=Properties, select OU=Global, and select OU=Common in the
right pane.
6 On the object CN=Common, OU=Global, OU=Properties, select each attribute that you want to change
and type the new list of security protocols or cipher suites.
7 Restart the Windows service VMware Horizon View Security Gateway Component on each Connection
Server instance and security server if you modified pae-ServerSSLSecureProtocols.
You do not need to restart any service after modifying pae-ClientSSLSecureProtocols.
Configure Acceptance Policies on Individual View Servers
To specify a local acceptance policy on an individual View Connection Server instance or security server,
you must add properties to the file. If the file does not yet exist on
the View server, you must create it.
You add a secureProtocols.n entry for each security protocol that you want to configure. Use the following
syntax: secureProtocols.n=security protocol.
You add an enabledCipherSuite.n entry for each cipher suite that you want to configure. Use the following
syntax: enabledCipherSuite.n=cipher suite.
The variable n is an integer that you add sequentially (1, 2, 3) to each type of entry.
Make sure that the entries in the file have the correct syntax and the names of the cipher
suites and security protocols are spelled correctly. Any errors in the file can cause the negotiation between
the client and server to fail.
1 Create or edit the file in the SSL gateway configuration folder on the View
Connection Server or security server computer.
For example: install_directory\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf\
Chapter 4 Configuring Security Protocols and Cipher Suites on a View Connection Server Instance or on a Security Server
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