
Table 14. View Log Files
View Component File Path and Other Information
All components
(installation logs)
View Agent
<Drive Letter>:\ProgramData\VMware\VDM\logs
To access View log files that are stored in <Drive
Letter>:\ProgramData\VMware\VDM\logs, you must open the logs from a program with
elevated administrator privileges. Right-click the program file and select Run as
If a User Data Disk (UDD) is configured, <Drive Letter> might correspond to the UDD.
The logs for PCoIP are named pcoip_agent*.log and pcoip_server*.log.
View Applications View Event Database configured on an SQL Server or Oracle database server.
Windows Application Event logs. Disabled by default.
View Composer
%system_drive%\Windows\Temp\vmware-viewcomposer-ga-new.log on the linked-clone
The View Composer log contains information about the execution of QuickPrep and Sysprep
scripts. The log records the start time and end time of script execution, and any output or
error messages.
View Connection Server
or Security Server
<Drive Letter>:\ProgramData\VMware\VDM\logs.
The log directory is configurable in the log configuration settings of the View Common
Configuration ADM template file (vdm_common.adm).
PCoIP Secure Gateway logs are written to files named SecurityGateway_*.log in the
PCoIP Secure Gateway subdirectory.
Blast Secure Gateway logs are written to files named absg*.log in the Blast Secure
Gateway subdirectory.
View Services View Event Database configured on an SQL Server or Oracle database server.
Windows System Event logs.
Chapter 1 View Accounts, Resources, and Log Files
VMware, Inc. 9