User manual

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Because this composite device includes a component that is ordinarily excluded by default, such as a
mouse or keyboard, the fourth line is necessary so that the other components of the composite device
Vid-0911_Pid-149a can be redirected to the remote desktop.
The first three properties are splitting properties. The last property is a filtering property. Filtering
properties are processed before splitting properties.
Example: Excluding a USB Ethernet Device
One example of a USB device you might want to exclude from redirection is a USB Ethernet device. Suppose
that your Mac is using a USB Ethernet device to connect the network for the Mac client system to a remote
desktop. If you redirect the USB Ethernet device, your local client system will lose its connection to the
network and the remote desktop.
If you want to permanently hide this device from the USB connection menu, or if you have set your remote
desktop to autoconnect USB devices, you can add an exception to exclude your Ethernet connection.
sudo defaults write com.vmware.viewusb ExcludeVidPid vid-xxxx_pid-yyyy
In this example, xxxx is the vendor ID and yyyy is the product ID of the USB Ethernet adapter.
USB Redirection Properties
When creating filtering rules, you can use the USB redirection properties.
Table 44. Configuration Properties for USB Redirection
Policy Name and Property Description
Allow Auto Device Splitting
Allow the automatic splitting of composite USB devices.
The default value is undefined, which equates to false.
Exclude Vid/Pid Device From Split
Excludes a composite USB device specified by vendor and product IDs from
splitting. The format of the setting is vid-xxx1_pid-yyy1[;vid-xxx2_pid-yyy2]...
You must specify ID numbers in hexadecimal. You can use the wildcard character
(*) in place of individual digits in an ID.
For example: vid-0781_pid-55**
The default value is undefined.
Split Vid/Pid Device
Treats the components of a composite USB device specified by vendor and product
IDs as separate devices. The format of the setting is
vid-xxxx_pid-yyyy([exintf:zz[;exintf:ww ]])[;...]
You can use the exintf keyword to exclude components from redirection by
specifying their interface number. You must specify ID numbers in hexadecimal,
and interface numbers in decimal including any leading zero. You can use the
wildcard character (*) in place of individual digits in an ID.
For example: vid-0781_pid-554c(exintf:01;exintf:02)
NOTE If the composite device includes components that are automatically
excluded, such as mouse and keyboard components, then View does not
automatically include the components that you have not explicitly excluded. You
must specify a filter policy such as Include Vid/Pid Device to include those
The default value is undefined.
Allow Audio Input Devices
Allows audio input devices to be redirected.
The default value is undefined, which equates to true.
Allow Audio Output Devices
Allows audio output devices to be redirected.
The default value is undefined, which equates to false.
Chapter 4 Using a Microsoft Windows Desktop or Application on a Mac
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