User manual

Table Of Contents
Port number for Connection Server
Active Directory user name
RADIUS or RSA SecurID user name, if different from Active Directory user name
Domain name
Desktop or application display name
Window size
Actions including reset, log off, and start session
Display protocol
Options for redirecting USB devices
To construct a URI, you use the vmware-view URI scheme with Horizon Client specific path and query parts.
NOTE You can use URIs to launch Horizon Client only if the client software is already installed on end
users' client computers.
Syntax for Creating vmware-view URIs
Syntax includes the vmware-view URI scheme, a path part to specify the desktop or application, and,
optionally, a query to specify desktop or application actions or configuration options.
URI Specification
Use the following syntax to create URIs for launching Horizon Client:
The only required element is the URI scheme, vmware-view. For some versions of some client operating
systems, the scheme name is case-sensitive. Therefore, use vmware-view.
IMPORTANT In all parts, non-ASCII characters must first be encoded according to UTF-8 [STD63], and then
each octet of the corresponding UTF-8 sequence must be percent-encoded to be represented as URI
For information about encoding for ASCII characters, see the URL encoding reference at
Specifies the server address and, optionally, a user name, a non-default port
number, or both. Note that underscores (_) are not supported in server
names. Server names must conform to DNS syntax.
To specify a user name, use the following syntax:
Note that you cannot specify a UPN address, which includes the domain. To
specify the domain, you can use the domainName query part in the URI.
Using VMware Horizon Client for Windows
34 VMware, Inc.