
NetApp Deduplication for FAS and V-Series Deployment and Implementation Guide
Table 2 describes all deduplication (related) commands.
Table 2) Deduplication command summary.
sis on <vol>
Enables deduplication on the specified flexible volume.
sis start -s <vol>
Begins the deduplication process on the flexible volume specified and performs
a scan of the flexible volume to process existing data.
This option is typically used upon initial configuration and deduplication on an
existing flexible volume that contains undeduplicated data. (There’s no need to
use this option on a volume that has just been created and doesn’t contain any
sis start -sp <vol>
Begins the deduplication process on the flexible volume specified using the
existing checkpoint information, regardless of the age of the checkpoint
This option should only be used with -s.
sis start -d <vol>
Deletes the existing checkpoint information.
This option is used to delete checkpoint information that is still considered
valid. By default, checkpoint information is considered invalid after 24 hours.
sis start <vol>
Begins the deduplication process on the flexible volume specified.
sis status [-l] <vol>
Returns the current status of deduplication for the specified flexible volume.
The -l option displays a long list.
df s <vol>
Returns the value of deduplication space savings in the active file system for
the specified flexible volume. Use this command to see how much space has
been saved.
sis config [-s sched]\ <vol>
Creates an automated deduplication schedule.
When deduplication is first enabled on a flexible volume, a default schedule is
configured, running it each day of the week at midnight. If the auto option is
used, deduplication is triggered when 20% new data is written to the volume.
Starting with 7.3.1, the 20% threshold can be adjusted using the auto@num
option, where num is a two-digit number to specify the percentage.
sis stop <vol>
Suspends an active deduplication process on the flexible volume specified.
sis off <vol>
Deactivates deduplication on the flexible volume specified. This means that
there will be no more change logging or deduplication operations, but the
flexible volume remains a deduplicated volume and the storage savings are
If this command is used, and then deduplication is turned back on for this
flexible volume, the flexible volume must be rescanned with the sis start
s command.