User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Sending and Receiving Numeric Pages
Advanced Commands ··· 59
Conference. See Placing a Three-Way Conference Call on page 67.
Invite. See Placing a Three-Way Conference Call on page 67.
Send Voice Email. See Sending an Email Message on page 48.
Action Recommended Voice
Alternative Forms
Call an address book
entry *
Call Poison Control. Find Poison Control.
Get me Poison Control.
Contact Poison Control.
Call an outside
buddy *
Call My Mom. Find My Mom.
Get me My Mom.
Contact My Mom.
Sending and Receiving Numeric Pages
If the Vocera Telephony Solution Software is installed on your system, you can
use a voice command to send a numeric page. Vocera sends the recipient's
pager a call-back number that allows that person to return a call directly to your
Vocera device. .
You can send a page to anyone in the Vocera system by using his or her name.
For example, if Dr. Randolph is a Vocera user, buddy, or person in the address
book, you can speak the command "Page Dr. Randolph" to send a numeric
Additional voice commands let you use a Vocera device to send a numeric page
to any arbitrary number. If you dial full 7- or 10-digit numbers to send a page
in your environment, issue the command, "Page an outside number." When
the Genie prompts you for the number of the pager, say the area code and the
phone number, even when calling a local number. If the area code matches your
local area code or a toll-free area code set up by your system administrator, the
call will be considered local.
Some environments provide a paging service that allows employees to send
internal pages using only a few digits, similar to the way they call internal
extensions. Vocera lets you send pages to these numbers directly. For example,
to send a page to the internal number 3964, you speak the command "Page
number 3964".