User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Basic Calling ··· 27
Basic Calling
Your Vocera badge provides one-touch communication. To begin any
kind of call or to record or play messages, press the Call button on the
badge to summon the Vocera Genie. The Genie will answer with a tone,
a prompt, or both (depending on the setting that is active for your
badge) and will then be ready to accept your voice commands.
The following sections describe the most-frequently used voice com-
mands, by category. Tables that summarize the commands follow.
Logging In and Out
Your system administrator may assign a badge to you, or you may share
badges with other users.
If your badge is assigned only to you, you are logged in all the time.
Just press the Call button to begin using the badge.
If your organization shares badges, press the Call button on the
badge you are using to summon the Genie.
If no one is logged in to the system with the badge, the Genie will
greet you and ask you to say your name. Say your first and last
name, and you are logged in.
If someone is already logged in with that badge, the Genie will
answer with a standard tone or greeting. Say “Log me out,” and
wait for the chime to signal that the previous user is logged out.
Then press the Call button again to log in.
To issue another voice command after you log in, press the Call button
Recommended Voice
(examples in italics)
Alternative Forms
Log in When prompted by the
Genie, say your first and
last name.
Log out Log me out. Log out.