User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Broadcasting simultaneously contacts everyone in a group who is online and available. A
broadcast is not recorded for members who are offline or unavailable.
Calling a group connects you to the first available member in a group.
Recipients of a broadcast may cancel it by pressing the Call button during the broadcast.
Recipients may also respond to everyone in the broadcast group by pressing and holding the Call
button before the broadcast ends.
The following table summarizes the commands you use to communicate in a broadcast:
Action Recommended Voice Commands
Initiate a broadcast to a group Broadcast to Tech Support.
Cancel a broadcast Press the Hold/DND button while listening to the broadcast.
Reply to everyone 1. Press and hold the Call button before the broadcast ends.
If it is OK to talk, you hear a beep. Other users also hear a
beep to indicate that a reply is starting.
If somebody else has already started to reply, you hear a chirp.
2. Begin speaking.
Everyone in the broadcast group hears you immediately.
3. When finished, release the Call button.
Everyone in the broadcast group hears a chirp, letting them
know they can now reply.
You cannot initiate a broadcast to a group that is already receiving one. The Genie prevents you
from starting the second broadcast, but it allows you to join the broadcast in progress (if you
are a member of that group), or it tells you to try later (if you are not a member of that group). An
urgent broadcast to a group that is already receiving a broadcast will always break in.
If you are already listening to one broadcast when someone attempts to include you in another
broadcast, you receive the call waiting tone. Similarly, you receive the call waiting tone when
someone calls you while you are receiving a broadcast. See Call Waiting on page 44.
Summoning Help in an Emergency
If your system administrator sets up an emergency broadcast group, you can quickly summon
help in an emergency.
Using this feature initiates an urgent broadcast to this special group. Everyone in the emergency
broadcast group hears you immediately. Unlike other broadcast commands, this feature does not
require any special permissions.
Like an ordinary broadcast, you can press the Call button to end the emergency broadcast, and
other users can reply to everyone by pressing and holding the Call button before the broadcast
Because this feature initiates an urgent broadcast, it interrupts any other calls or broadcasts that
are in progress. See Issuing Urgent Commands on page 53.
To initiate an emergency broadcast:
1. Click the Call button twice.
2. When you hear the chime, start talking.
Calling Telephone Numbers
If the Vocera Telephony Solution Software is installed on your system, you can ask the Genie to
call telephone numbers. Separate permissions are required to make calls to in-house extensions,
local numbers, and long-distance numbers.