User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Summoning the Genie takes precedence over a conversation in a conference. That is, you
can interrupt an active conversation in a conference by pressing the Call button to issue a
command. Similarly, any incoming calls are also routed to your Vocera device, interrupting an
active conference.
The Do Not Disturb state is also effective in a conference. If your Vocera device is in Do Not
Disturb mode, you are not interrupted when someone begins a conversation in a conference.
However, you cannot use the Hold/DND button to cancel an active conference. Only pressing the
Call button to summon the Genie can cancel an active conference.
Call blocking is not effective in a conference. If you are blocking calls from someone who is in
a conference with you, you will still hear that person during a conference, although your Vocera
device continues to block that person's direct calls.
Because waiting in a conference does not consume additional power—and you have access
to all other Vocera commands—you can stay in a conference as long as you want. In many
situations, you may want to be in a conference the entire time you are using your badge or
Summary of Conference Commands
Use the following commands to communicate in a conference:
Action Recommended Voice Commands
Join a conference* Join conference for Intensive Care .
Leave a conference* Leave conference for Intensive Care .
Start conferencing or reply (when
you are in a conference)
1. Press and hold the Call button.
If it is OK to talk, you hear a beep. Other users also hear a
beep to indicate that an instant conference is starting.
If somebody else in the conference has already started to
speak, you hear a chirp.
2. Begin speaking.
Everyone in the conference hears you immediately.
3. When finished, release the Call button.
Everyone in the conference hears a chirp, letting them know
they can now reply.
Find out what conference you are
What conference am I in?
Find out who is in your conference Who is in my conference?
Find out who is in any conference Who is in the conference for Intensive Care?