User's Manual

Index ยทยทยท 177
SAR exposure guidelines, 146, 149
Sending messages, 60
Sound level, 32
volume adjustment, 31
Speech recognition
proper badge position for, 17
training the Genie, 53
Starting a call, 47
Supervised conference calls, 82
T1000 phone operation
cleaning, 127
buddy, 116
Genie, 15
outside buddy, 116
text message, 116
User Console, 115
Vocera Server, 15
Text message
reading on a Vocera device, 65
Text messages
sending from a T1000 phone, 103
Unlearning a name, 53
Urgent commands, 83
User Console, 115
Voice commands
accepting calls, 87
answering calls, 56
blocking calls, 87
conference calls, 81
general guidelines, 131
making calls, 49, 52, 72
sending messages, 60
training the Genie, 53
Voice email, 61
Voice messages
recording and sending, 60
Recording, 87