User's Manual

About Pairing Wireless Headsets
Pairing is the process in which two devices enabled with Bluetooth wireless technology create a secure
link in order to share information. The pairing process begins when the master device initiates an inquiry
to search for Bluetooth addresses or queries one, specific address.
Vocollect wireless headset pairings with Talkman or handheld devices are initiated by the device and
remain paired until broken by user action. Note that the pairing exists between the headset and device
hardware the device operator ID is not tied to this pairing. If the operator moves to a different device,
the original headset/device pairing will not follow that operator.
Note: The automatic operator load feature is an exception to the hardware-only pairing. On supported
platforms, when an operator connects to a Vocollect wireless headset, that connection and operator
information are registered in VoiceConsole. The next time the operator connects to that headset;
his or her information will be loaded automatically. See the automatic operator load documentation
for your Vocollect Voice release.
Pairing versus Connecting
Pairing is not the same as connecting. Two Bluetooth devices, once paired, can connect and disconnect
many times. With a pairing in memory, the two devices can reconnect easily and will make repeated
attempts to establish a connection. In this way, a headset and device pairing allows for increased user
For example, if the user takes the headset out of range of the paired device or powers it off, the device
will notice the connection loss, sever the connection, and then try to reconnect. The two remain paired
throughout this process.
SRX/SRX2 Headset Pairing Methods
After an SRX or SRX2 headset enters low or high power pairing mode, it is available to accept a pairing
initiated by a Talkman A500, Talkman T5-Series, or other Bluetooth-enabled device. These pairings can
be accomplished using a variety of methods:
On startup or on removal from a charger, the Talkman device immediately
searches for wireless headsets and initiates a pairing. Auto pairing is most
effective when users swap headsets and Talkman devices regularly.
Auto pairing:
Note: The first time an SRX headset accepts an auto pairing, the paired
device configures the headset to enter into pairing mode immediately on
all future startups.
Note: The SRX2 headset always powers up in pairing mode.
The user determines when to pair a device and headset by pressing buttons
on the device. Manual pairing is effective in environments where the same
Talkman devices and headsets are always used together.
Manual pairing:
Important: The first pairing for an SRX headset that has never been
paired with a device must be a manual pairing. After this first time, the
headset can pair automatically.
Note: The SRX2 headset can perform either manual or auto pairing for
its first pairing.
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
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