User's Manual

Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring Scanner
Figure 137: Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring Scanner
Supported with WT4090 wearable terminals only.
Never remove the scanner from a resting place by pulling on the scanner’s cable.
When not in use, the bar code reader should be secured.
For detailed specifications for this product, see Motorola's website.
Socket Cordless Ring Scanner Series 9M
Figure 138: Socket
Cordless Ring Scanner Series 9M
The Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) requires Vocollect VoiceClient 3.1 or later and is only compatible
with Talkman A500/T5 devices. Support is not currently provided on other Vocollect hardware or
software versions for this product.
The documentation included with the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) Series 9M from Socket
Communications includes utility software and references for use with the scanner and PC applications.
This software is not to be used in conjunction with Talkman A500/T5 wearable computers and should
not be installed. References in the documentation to PC applications and control of the CRS from PC
applications should be ignored.
Other documentation from Socket Communications regarding general use, specifications, and bar
codes to control scanner functions is applicable to use with Vocollect Voice
For detailed specifications and safety information, and for procedures for charging the battery and
assembly, refer to Socket's CRS documentation.
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Bar Code Readers and Printers | 185