User's Manual

Wearing a Socket CRS
1. Insert the wrist unit (the large component of the CRS that contains the battery) into the protective
case, pulling the cable through the hole at the top of the case. The case protects the CRS from damage,
but its use is not required. If you do not choose to use the case, attach the two Velcro
strips directly
to the Bluetooth unit.
2. Connect the free end of the cable to ring scanner.
3. Attach the finger strap to the bottom of the ring scanner.
4. Put on the wrist strap and adjust it so it is secure and comfortable.
5. Put the ring scanner on your index finger and adjust the finger strap so it is secure and comfortable.
6. Attach the wrist unit to the wrist strap by pressing the Velcro strips together.
Documentation from Socket Communications
The documentation included with the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) Series 9M from Socket
Communications includes utility software and references for use with the scanner and PC applications.
This software is not used in conjunction with the Talkman T5 devices and should not be installed.
References in the documentation to PC applications and control of the CRS from PC applications should
be ignored.
Other documentation from Socket Communications regarding general unit use, specifications and bar
codes to control scanner functioning is applicable to use with Vocollect Voice systems.
Press the trigger button and aim your finger at the bar code. The red laser beam should cover the entire
width of the bar code. Please refer to the Socket User’s Guide for scanning tips. When data is read and
sent to the mobile computing device, the laser will turn off. Depending on the scanner settings, the ring
scanner’s LED may flash green to indicate a good read.
Configuring a Socket CRS
You must set the following configurable parameters to the Recommended Values to support the use of
the Socket CRS:
600000 to 60000Sets the time (in milliseconds)
VoiceClient will wait for data from the
peripheral device before the entire raw
data buffer is cleared.
1 = enableDefault = 750
0 = disable
Parses the barcode data for characters
(<CR<, <LF<, NULL) that are
incorrectly prefixed and removes them
if found.
1 = enable
1 = enable0 = disable
1 = enable
Prints additional lines of debug detailing
the data received from the peripheral
device and what data is cleared if the
BarcodeBufferDataTimeout is exceeded.
Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5
During use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link is
disrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typically
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