User's Manual

Programming Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Scanners
You can program the Symbol LS4208 bar code scanner to match the default settings of a Talkman device.
The default settings are:
9600 baud
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
1. Print this page.
2. Scan the following code to ensure that the scanner's parameters are set to the default settings.
Figure 140: Set All Defaults
3. Scan the following Scan Options bar code to change the scan data format.
Figure 141: Set Scan Options to Change Data Format
4. Scan the following bar code to set the scan data format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>.
Figure 142: Set to Data Format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>
5. Scan the following Enter bar code to complete the data format change.
Figure 143: Set Data Format Change
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Bar Code Readers and Printers | 189