User's Manual

Bare WireNot used1
RedPower (+5 volts)2
WhiteNot used3
GreenNot used4
BlueReceive data (RXD)5
GrayTransmit data (TXD)6
OrangeNot used7
Figure 153: Vocollect Connector Pin Specifications
Vocollect Bar Code Device Adapter
The Vocollect bar code device adapter connects compatible RS-232 bar code devices to Talkman devices.
The bar code device that is being connected to the Talkman device must meet the following criteria:
The device must support RS-232.
The device must be decoded (as opposed to undecoded).
The device must operate on five volts (+5V).
This adapter is to be used only with bar code devices that are not powered through their own RS-232
Vocollect Bar Code Serial Interface Cable
All equipment design and technical information contained within this document is the confidential
property of Vocollect, Inc. No use or disclosure thereof may be made without written permission from
Vocollect, Inc.
The Vocollect bar code serial interface cable (part # BC-606-1) connects compatible bar code readers
to devices.
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
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