User's Manual

See VoiceConsole Online Help or Release Notes for Vocollect VoiceClient 2.0 for your device for more
information on parameters.
Changing Voice Modules
Note: The device should be in the sleep state before you attempt to change the voice module.
1. On the device, select Tools | Change Voice Module.
The Change Voice Module box opens.
2. Select a voice. Note: Some voices may not be supported on your device. Please see the release notes
for your version of Vocollect Voice for a list of supported voices. See Setting the Default Voice on the
for a list of languages and voice module folders.
Note: Voice module folders must be kept in a location other than the Vocollect Voice directory
to prevent a failure when changing voices on the device.
Note: The voice module(s) must be placed in a folder in flash. Do not put the folder in RAM. If
placed in RAM, the voice modules will be gone on the next device reboot.
3. Select OK or press Enter.
Vocollect Voice restarts with the new language and/or new voice type.
Vocollect Voice: Warning Messages
Vocollect Voice displays the following screen messages, when appropriate. You also may hear warning
messages through your headset.
License Not Available
Application cannot obtain valid license from VoiceConsole. Please move to a better radio coverage area
or see your supervisor.
This message indicates your device cannot obtain a valid license. Move to an area that you know has
good radio coverage and try again.
Low Battery
Your battery is critically low. To prevent loss of data, the voice application has been stopped, and all
data has been safely stored. Please change battery or cradle device now.
This message is issued when the device battery's charge drops to a critically low level. The voice application
shuts down; all data is stored, but you must change the battery to continue working or cradle the device.
Critical Startup Error
Vocollect Voice could not start. The following critical modules were not found: * Vocollect VoiceApplication
* Vocollect Licensing Vocollect Voice will now exit.
This message is issued if the voice application cannot find information it needs to run. See your supervisor
if you receive this message.
Application Exit with Data Pending
Application data has not been sent. If you exit now, the data will be sent next time you run Vocollect
Voice. Are you sure you want to exit Vocollect Voice?
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
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