User's Manual

Chapter 2
Talkman Devices and Headsets
Vocollect Talkman
devices are wearable terminals used with Vocollect headsets to enable voice-directed
work. Operators listen to instructions from these devices to perform tasks such as warehouse order
picking and factory floor inspection, and then speak simple phrases to enter data.
All Talkman devices leave the operator's hands free to inspect items, pick products, drive vehicles, or
repair defects.
Talkman A500, T5-series, and T2-series devices
These device models are rugged terminals designed for industrial use. These devices attach to a customized
belt or shoulder harness equipped with a specially designed clip.
The Talkman A500 VMT (Vehicle Mounted Talkman) and T5 VMT are A500 and T5 devices with battery
adapters mounted to a warehouse vehicle, such as a forklift. After the device is mounted, the battery
adapter is placed in the battery area of the device and connected to the vehicle's power source.
Talkman T1
The Talkman T1 has been specifically designed for light-duty, light-industrial environments. Talkman
T1 device is a lighter, lower-cost alternative to the T2-series, T5-series and A500 devices. It is intended
for work in areas where you don't require an extremely rugged device. Talkman T1 devices fit into a
customized holster with belt clip.
Speech Recognition Headsets
A Vocollect speech recognition headset with an attached microphone allows the operator to hear the
device's instructions or questions. The operator talks to the device to request information and enters
data by responding to the device's prompts.
Using Vocollect Adaptive Speech Recognition
, the headsets account for changes in speaking patterns
over time and in different environments in order to improve voice recognition and system performance.
Product Use and Care
Talkman devices are assembled under strict Vocollect manufacturing guidelines. Tampering with a
device in any manner will void published operating specifications and may void the product warranty.
When the Talkman is not in use, it should be placed properly into a charger.
Never remove the battery from a Talkman unless it has been properly powered off.
Vocollect designed the Talkman to be worn on the right side of the body with the device's buttons on
the top (T5-series, T2-series, A500) or facing front (T1) and its connectors toward the operator’s back
(A500, T5-series, T2-series) or pointed up (T1).
The Talkman T1 must be holstered with the holster opening facing up. Holstering with the opening
facing down or to the side places the unit at risk for dropping.
Always use pads and windscreens with Vocollect headsets to protect the equipment and ensure
optimum speech recognition performance.
Vocollect recommends changing headset windscreens every 90 days to ensure the best performance.
Caution: Use only a solution of 30% isopropyl alcohol and water to clean the hard plastics on
equipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only