User's Manual

Transfers any output data records to the host that had not been sent prior to powering off
Transfers any lookup tables to the device that had not been received from the host prior to powering
Forced Reset
This type of reset is invoked by removing the battery from the device without properly powering it
off first.
Caution: Perform a forced reset only as a last resort. If you reboot a device in this manner:
the contents of its memory, including any data collected, will be lost
the device starts over at the beginning of the task
if you are in the process of retraining vocabulary, the device will send all vocabulary word
templates to the host computer when the device is turned back on. Do not do anything until
the templates have been sent to the host.
When the battery is replaced and the device is turned back on, it boots and attempts to load the
current task and operator. Once the task and operator have successfully loaded, the device behaves
identically to a one that has just had a new task or operator loaded.
Loading an Operator's Templates
You need a device with a charged battery, headset, and any other equipment (belt, bar code reader) you
are going to use. You must be within radio range. Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED
indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green
1. Press the Operator button.
The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."
2. Press the + button or button until the device says, "Change operator."
3. Press the Operator button.
4. The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of operators and teams. Wait for the device to say,
"Select team".
If the device says "Current operator is (operator name). Change operator", skip to step 8.
5. Press the + button or button to scroll through the list of operator teams until you hear the name
of a team to which you belong.
6. Press the operator button.
The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of all operators who belong to the team that was
selected. The device then says, "Current operator is (operator name). Select new operator."
7. Press the + button or button to scroll through the list of available operator names until you hear
your name.
If you do not hear your name, press the yellow play/pause button to cancel this operation and start
over from step 2.
When selecting a team in step 5, choose the "All Operators" team.
Consult with your supervisor if you are not listed in the "All Operators" team.
8. Press the operator button.
The device says, "Loading operator" and loads your templates. Once it has loaded your templates,
the device says, "Current operator is (your operator name). Good night." The device then goes to sleep.
The next time you turn the device on, it will be ready to use.
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Talkman Devices and Headsets | 23