User's Manual

5. Say "One."
The device says, "Two."
6. Say "Two."
The device says, "Please say the following words as they appear on the screen."
The Voice Training text box displays.
Figure 171: Voice Training text box
If you cannot see the words displayed on the training device screen, there may be a problem with the
contrast on the device. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation.
As each word appears on the device display, say it to the device. The device will display the same word
at least four times; repeat the word each time it appears. If you see phrases, say the phrase naturally,
without exaggerated pauses between the words.
When the device has asked for all words in the task the necessary number of times, the device will say,
"Creating voice templates. Please wait." It will then beep periodically until all of the remaining voice
templates have been created.
During the beeping, the device periodically repeats the "... Please wait" phrase to alert the user that it
is still busy. When the remaining voice templates have been created, the device says, "Finished creating
voice templates." The device then goes to sleep. You can begin the task by pressing the Play/Pause button.
You can expect the device to beep for approximately two minutes after all of the vocabulary words have
been spoken. If the operator presses any of the device's buttons during this time period, the device says,
"Creating voice templates. Please wait."
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
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