User's Manual Part 2

Talkman@ Open Operator's Guide
Ta1kman accepts R$-232 input devices to collect data, such
as bar code wands or guns. Special devices that use R$-232,
like gauges or calipers, can also be used.
To collect data with a Talkman terminal for the first time, do this:
1. Charge the battery. (See Chapter 6, "Maintaining Talkman
2. Become familia.r with the Talkman terminal and Talkman
accessories. The only required Ta1kman accessories are the
headset with microphone, which allows you to talk and listen
to the Ta1kman tem1inal, and the battery, which powers the
Ta1kman tem1inal (See Chapter 2, "Getting Started.')
3. I..eam how to train the Talkman terminal to recognize your
voice patterns. This process is called voice training. To do
voice ttaining, you need to be wearing the headset with
microphone connected to the Ta1kman terminal (See
Chapter 3, "GettingTalkman Re-ady.')
4. Learn how to wear the Talkman terminal (see Chapter 3,
"Getting Talkman Ready.')
5. Learn to collect data with the Talkman tem1iru1l and use
voice conttols or Talkman buttons to control the
conversation with the Talkman tem1iru1l. (See Chapter 4,
"Using Talkman.')
6. Collect data with the Talkman tem1inaL (See Chapter 4,
, 'U sing T a1kman. ' )
7. Place tile Talkman tenniruL1 in its cradle any rime it is not
being used to collect data by an operator (see Chapter 6,
"Maintaining Talkman Batteries.').