User Manual

Table Of Contents
according to the site's operations.
TCP/IP: Transmission control protocol/internet protocol. TCP allows two computers to connect
to one another for the primary purpose of transferring data. The sending computer continues
to send until the receiving computer confirms that it has successfully received the data. IP
determines how the sending computer packets and addresses the data.
template: The information that is necessary for a terminal to recognize a single word spoken
by a specific operator. Once a template has been trained for an operator, that template can be
used in any task.
thermistor: A resistor whose resistance decreases with increases in temperature.
trainer: Anyone who trains new administrators or operators on the Talkman® system. While
some companies have separate training departments, or at least one person whose job is solely
training, this term applies equally to administrators who train new operators, or experienced
administrators who train new administrators.
training cable: The red cable (i.e. the cable with the red bend relief) that includes both a
training device connector and an audio jack. This cable is used to connect the terminal to a
training device, such as a QTERM, and/or to an audio device, such as a wired portable speaker.
tree structure: A way of organizing information into a hierarchical structure with one root and
several branches, much like a family tree or genealogy chart.
trip: A collection of picks that can be assigned to an operator in Pick Manager; also referred to
as assignments.
unit: A product unit. A unit is also are referred to as an item.
vocabulary word: A valid response from an operator to a terminal prompt during a task dialog.
warehouse out: Insufficient product units in the warehouse to fulfill a pick. Occurs when a
reported short cannot be replenished. A reported short is changed to a warehouse out when an
administrator determines that the reported short cannot be fulfilled.
web browser: A program that runs on an Internet-connected computer and provides access to
the World Wide Web (WWW). The two most popular web browsers are Microsoft Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
window: A rectangular, on-screen frame that acts as a viewing area for programs. Most