User Manual

Table Of Contents
Operator in Pick Manager topic found in the QuickPick online documentation.
2. Verify that the Pick Manager system is up and running.
3. Make sure you are in radio range of an access point.
4. Verify that VISocketODBC is running. For details about VISocketODBC, refer to the
VISocketODBC online documentation.
5. Reboot the terminal.
I can't get my battery on.
1. Make sure you are placing the battery on correctly. See Inserting a Battery.
2. Check the battery compartment on the terminal to make sure it is not damaged. If it is
damaged, send the terminal back to Vocollect for repair. See Sending Equipment Back
for Repairs.
I can't get my battery off.
1. Make sure you are following the proper procedure for removing a battery. See
Removing a Battery.
I can't hear anything through the headset.
1. Make sure the terminal has a fully charged battery. See Changing a Battery.
2. Try the headset on a terminal that is not having problems.
3. Try a different headset on the terminal with the problem. See Wearing a Talkman
Terminal and Connecting & Disconnecting Peripherals.
4. Turn the terminal off and then back on again. See Turning Off a Talkman Terminal and
Turning On a Talkman Terminal.
5. Reboot the terminal.
6. If the headset is broken, send it back to Vocollect for repair. See Sending Equipment
Back for Repairs.
I can't log on.
1. If this site uses Pick Manager, make sure you are in the user table of Pick Manager. For
details about Pick Manager, refer to the Pick Manager topic found in the QuickPick
online documentation. If you are not in the user table, create a new operator in Pick
Manager. For details about creating a new operator, refer to the Creating a New
Operator in Pick Manager topic found in the QuickPick online documentation.
2. Make sure you are in radio range of an access point.
3. Verify that VISocketODBC is running. For details about VISocketODBC, refer to the
VISocketODBC online documentation.
I can't unplug my headset.
1. Make sure you are following the proper procedure. See Connecting & Disconnecting
2. If the terminal connector is damaged, send the terminal back to Vocollect for repair.
See Sending Equipment Back for Repairs.
3. If the headset connector is damaged, send the headset back to Vocollect for repair.
See Sending Equipment Back for Repairs.
I don't know what to say next.
1. Say, "Talkman help." You will hear all your available vocabulary responses.
2. If you don't hear a list of available responses, ask your administrator because a task
change might be necessary.