User's Manual

The Set Up Menu has options to alter the operation of the unit such as the System, Music, and
Effect settings. The function settings being edited are rendered inoperable while the Set Up Menu
is open.
1. System Setup – These options change the way the DAX-9900RV looks and operates.
a. Auto Input Select – This option dictates which input will be automatically selected when signal is
detected. If a constant stream of music is desired, turn this feature on.
i. OFF – Disables the automatic detection of audio signals present in the inputs. Input Selection is
entirely user controlled.
ii. ON – Detects which input has an audio signal present and automatically selects that input. If no audio
signal is detected on any input, BGM is selected by default.
b. IR Key Control – This enables or disables the key control buttons on the DAX-9900RV remote control.
This is used to keep the key from being changed on accident.
i. OFF – Disables the key control buttons on remote.
ii. ON – Enables key control buttons on remote.
c. Background color – This selects the background color of the menus and the default video color when
there is no video connection made.
d. Power Amp In – This selects the function of the Amp In and Pre-Out jacks located on the back panel
i. When set to EXT:
1. Amp In jack will function like an Effect Loop In
2. Pre-Out jack will function like an Effect Loop Out
3. All microphone audio will be routed out through the Pre-Out jack and would need to be looped
through an external effects processor and back in through the Amp In jacks.
ii. When set to INT:
1. Amp In jack will be disabled.
2. Pre-Out jack will function like a standard RCA audio output jack
3. All microphone audio will be routed through the internal effects processor.
e. Volume Limit Set – This sets the volume the DAX-9900RV will be set to when the machine is powered
on and the maximum volume limit for both Microphone and Music.
i. Off/On
1. When set to Off, the music and mic volumes would be user set every time the machine is powered
2. When set to On, the settings for the initial and maximum volume can be set.
a. Music:
i. Initial – This sets the music volume level when the machine is powered on.
1. Default setting is 0/60
ii. Max – This sets the highest level the music volume can be set to.
1. Default setting is 60/60
b. Mic:
i. Initial – This sets the mic volume level when the machine is powered on.
i. Blue
ii. Skyblue
iii. Green
iv. Brown
v. Red
vi. Olive
vii. Teal
viii. Purple
Setup Menu
InputL evel adj.
AGC level : 600mV SET
Bass 0
Operate with button
when this sign shows up.
buttons to select an
item, press
buttont o enter a selec-
tion, and press
button to exit.
Operate with and buttons
when this sign shows up.