LTE Stick User Manual

On Microsoft Windows computers
The rst time you plug your USB Stick into your computer,
it should be set up automatically. If for some reason setup
does not start, right-click on the VMB Lite 10.x.x.x drive in ‘My
Computer’, (Start menu>Computer on Vista), select ‘Explore’ and
double-click the le called setup_vmb_lite.exe on the USB Stick.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Setting up your USB Stick may take a few minutes, but once
setup is complete, the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Lite
application should start automatically. If for some reason it does
not start, select
Vodafone Mobile Broadband from the Windows
Start menu.
On Mac OS X computers
The rst time you plug in your USB Stick, it will show up on
your desktop as a Vodafone Mobile Broadband disk. Drag the
Vodafone Mobile Broadband icon from the disk window into the
Applications folder on your hard disk.
Double-click the Vodafone Mobile Broadband icon in your
Applications folder to start the application. The application will
start, identify your device, create the correct mobile connection
settings and select a mobile network. Once the application is
ready to connect, the Connect button will be enabled.
For further details, select Vodafone Mobile Broadband Help in
the Help menu.
Start the
The first time you run
the application, your
USB Stick will usually
be set as the current
device. If it is not,
open the ‘Devices
view, and select your
USB Stick there.