User manual

Voltsoft User Manual Version 2.4
auto range.
Click to send commands to enable maximum, minimum,
average function.
Exit Max
Click to send commands to exit maximum, minimum,
average function.
NG Beep
In the COMP VALUE mode, if failed, click button to turn
the alarm on/off.
Click to send commands to enable device backlight
function, and then click the exit functions.
Click to send commands to enable device function
Click to send commands to enable device to maintain the
function, and then click to exit maintain function.
Click to send commands to enable the relative value
function; then click to exit the function.
Pass Beep
In the COMP VALUE mode, if passed, click button to turn
the alarm on/off.
COMP Value
Enter / Leave COMP value mode.
COMP Setting
Pop up Data Comparison dialog.
Single Log
Click to send commands to enable device to store a
single data.
Series Log
Click to send commands to enable device to continuously
store data, and then click to exit the function.
Load Comparison Memory
Click to send commands to send out the comparison data
stored by device.
Clear Comparison Memory
Clear the comparison data in device.
Load Device Memory
Click to send commands to send out the no comparison
data stored by device.
Clear Device Memory
Clear the no comparison data in device.
Data Comparison dialog
Setup EnterWhen button is pressed, the settings will be sent and saved in the device.