
Temp or time
PressData WindData FlowData Tempe
WidthOrDia Height; ThirdLine WD_DigitNum; H_DigitNum Infor1 Infor2 Infor3 Infor4
uchar uchar Signed int float float float float Signed
float float uchar uchar uchar uchar uChar uchar uchar
1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Infor5 Infor6 Infor7 Infor8 ShowState Pressunit VEL /Flow unit crc
uChar uchar uChar uchar uchar uchar uchar Signed int
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
46 bytes, identifier 2 bytes, data 42 bytes, crc 2 bytes
Checksum is the sum of the previous 44 bytes.
The data format in the program as below:
#define txdwordlenth 23
#define txdbytelenth 46
uchar IDone;
uchar IDone;
signed int FirstLine; //temperature / time/ //2 Bytes[2],Bytes[3]
float SecondLine; //pressure value/wind speed value/flow value/temperature value
float PressData; //the measured pressure value
float WindData // wind speed value m/.s
float FlowData //flow
signed int TempData; //room temperature

Summary of content (13 pages)