Safety data sheet

© Copyright 2014, Voltivo Group Ltd.
SECTION 12: Ecological information
Bioaccumulation: Does not bio accumulate, Inherently biodegradable.
Eco toxicity effects: EC50/72h/algae > 1100 mg/L
SECTION 13: Disposal considerations
Material is non-hazardous and biodegradable.
Spillage of Release
Collect for disposal. Use appropriate personal protective
equipment during cleanup.
Waste disposal
Bury in a landfill in compliance with all federal, state
and local regulations.
SECTION 14: Transport information
Not regulated as hazardous
SECTION 15: Regulatory information
NFPA 704 Classification
Instability Reactivity
Special Notices
SECTION 16: Other information
Notice regarding medical applications restrictions
The company does not recommend any of its products, including samples, for use: (A) in
any application which is intended for any internal contact with human body fluids or
body tissues (B) as a critical component in any medical device that supports or sustains
human life; and (C) specifically pregnant women or in any applications designed
specifically to promote or interfere with human reproduction.
The Information Herein Is Given In Good Faith, But No Warranty, Express Or
Implied, Is Made. Consult the Company for Further Information.