
The COOLTRON series of effect pedals are
seven professional true bypass stompboxes
that use a 12AU7 preamp-type tube at low
voltage to deliver the kind of tone that, until
now, would have been impossible to achieve
n a battery-powered pedal.
VibraVOX (CT06TR)
Named after VOX’s first amplifier tremolo circuit, the new
VIBRAVOX brings the signature Vibrato/Tremolo sound of
the original 1958 VOX AC30 to any amplifier, in a dual
mode stompbox design. To increase flexibility we’ve
added additional user control and features. By including
two Speed controls and an effects assign switch (T1/T2,
T1/V2, V1/V2), a number of possibilities become avail-
able. The VIBRAVOX can be configured as a tremolo-only
or vibrato-only pedal with two foot-switchable speeds.
You can also choose to configure the pedal to switch
between tremolo and vibrato. The pedal automatically
ramps between speeds, adding a taste of that unmistak-
able “rotating-speaker” sound.
“Duel” Overdrive (CT07DO)
Double the drive with the new Duel Overdrive pedal. With
two tube-driven overdrive circuits based on our own Big
Ben Overdrive pedal, the Duel Overdrive provides foot-
switchable access to two sounds from a trunk-full of
classic and modern tones. With separate Gain, Volume
and Tone controls, you can set the pedal up with two
totally independent overdrive sounds (aptly named OD1
and OD2) to complement a clean-bypassed tone. To
make it even more flexible, we’ve added an assignable
(OD1/OD2/both) low-end bass boost function for fat-
bottomed overdrive tones.
Over the Top Boost (CT04TB)
The OTTB puts the top boost channel of a VOX AC30 into
a pedal. The Treble control can take your tone from cut-
ting attack at one extreme to smooth and liquidy attack
at the other. The Bass control adds low-end girth at high-
er settings and a warm round smoothness at lower set-
tings. The OTTB even comes with a Cut control to add or
remove higher frequencies at the turn of a knob. Vary the
overall gain of the pedal from bluesy and mellow to fat
and saturated. Or use the Standard/Custom switch to
either make the EQ very interactive in Standard mode, or
have it behave more like a traditional AC30 Hand Wired
in Custom mode.
Snake Charmer Compressor (CT05CO)
The Snake Charmers compression affects the ratio and
threshold of the signal, smoothing out peaks and spikes.
At the same time, the Snake Charmer also increases the
Gain level to complement the corresponding ratio and
threshold settings so that the overall gain remains con-
stant. There’s also a Gain Reduction Indicator that gives
you visual cues of the results of your settings. A High/Low
Switch lets you choose between two overall levels of ratio.
The Snake Charmer is equipped with other controls for
Attack, which determines how quickly the gain reduction
kicks in, and Release, which determines how long the gain
is attenuated. Finally, the High-End Emphasis control fine-
tunes the amount of compression applied to the top end of
the guitar signal.
Bulldog Distortion (CT01DS)
With dual channels – each with its own Gain and Volume
ontrols – and growling tube tone, the VOX Bulldog
Distortion pedal adds extra bite to your fret-burning
aneuvers. Gain 1 dishes out vintage distortion while
Gain 2 packs a more modern, aggressive sound with
slightly scooped mids. Both are adjustable from subtle to
completely over the top. A Bass control adds extra low
end thump at extreme settings and a warm, round mel-
lowness at lower settings. And with the Gain 2 Voice con-
trol you can independently tailor the second channel’s
ell-raising tone. A Treble control will take your sound
from a biting attack at one extreme to smooth and liquid
at the other.
Brit Boost (CT03BT)
Give your tone extra muscle with the Brit Boost pedal.
he Treble Boost setting pumps up the treble and upper
middle frequencies, just like you’d expect from a vintage
reble Booster pedal. In the Full Range Boost position,
the pedal enhances all frequencies. It adds low mids and
bottom end to the Treble Boost mode and is good for
pushing a slightly overdriven amp into heavy overdrive. A
gain knob varies the overall gain of the pedal from mellow
and warm to grinding and ripping! Plus, a Tone knob
adjusts the overall tonality of the pedal. Of course,
here’s a true bypass switch that lets your signal flow
through without coloring the tone.
Big Ben Overdrive (CT02OD)
Preserve your amp’s warm, silky tone while pushing your
ound into overdrive! The tube-powered Big Ben
Overdrive pedal responds to your playing dynamics and
ranks out that extra firepower when you really dig in and
want to cut through. The Gain knob varies the overall
gain of the pedal from bluesy and mellow to fat and
saturated, while the Tone knob adjusts the overall
tonality of the pedal.
pecifications: Tube: 12AU7 • Power: 4 x AA batteries (allows 16 hours of
operation) • Dimensions: (W x D x H) 6.63" x 6.12" x 2.52" • Weight
without batteries): approx. 2.3 lbs. • Options: 9V AC adapter
Go to www.voxamps.co.uk to read the full story of Cooltron technology!