User's Manual

BBW200 User Manual v1.0 3
Warning: some operations may differ in function of the OS used.
3.1. Home screen
The home screen is listing all the peripherals paired and connected to the device.
By selecting the peripheral box, it is possible to:
- Reconnect the peripheral in case the connection has been lost
- Access the control screen when the peripheral is connected
- Drag and move the box when holding the finger on the box
In the SmartClim box, you will find the following information and function:
- SmartClim picture (user defined)
- SmartClim name (user defined, “BeeWi SmartClim” by default)
- Connection status and signal strength bar
- Temperature and Humidity values
3.2. Control screen
The control screen is made of 3 different sections from top to bottom:
- SmartClim name
- Local weather report
- Current Temperature and Humidity values and Temperature or Humidity history graph
Either Temperature or Humidity history graph can be selected by clicking on actual values.
The graphs are adjustable by pinching the history.
3.3. Edition screen
The edition screen allows for editing SmartClim details such as name and picture.
The edition screen also includes a button to update SmartLite to latest firmware which will
appear in case a new firmware is available. To update the firmware, just press the “Update
peripheral” button in Edition screen, then confirm action and wait for about 3 minutes for
the firmware update to be confirmed.
Note local weather report is based on Smartphone location, and temperature unit (°C or F)
can be set in the preferences.