User manual

24 month warranty
from date of purchase
This warranty does not cover defects caused by:
Incorrect input voltage or polarity
Damage to external wiring
Physical mishandling
Water immersion
Vermin or insect damage
Battery leakage or chemicals
Tru-Test and its agents accept no responsibility for any accident caused subsequent to
any tampering with or modification or misuse of this product, including repairs or
alterations made by anyone other than Tru-Test or its agents.
No conditions, warranties or guarantees, statutory or otherwise, whether oral or in
writing (other than this service warranty), shall attach to this product and its sale and
purchase, other than that it will be delivered in good working condition.
The details below must be properly completed by the dealer at the time of purchase.
This product is warranted against faulty material and workmanship for a period of 24
calendar months FROM DATE OF PURCHASE.
If any warranted defect occurs during the warranty period, return the product with proof
of purchase to your local Patriot dealer, distributor, or directly to the manufacturer.
Protect your investment by completing this warranty card today and mailing it to:
Tru-Test Inc. 528 Grant Road,
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
Serial number:
Name of owner:
Date of purchase:
Dealer contact details:
(must be completed by dealer)
This product is warranted against lightning strike