Owner's Manual

Download and install the VOXX LINK APP from the Google Play Store or Apple APP Store onto your Android or iOS Smartphone.
Scan the QR codes on this page to get direct access to the APPs.
If the system monitors and the device you wish to control the system using Voxx Link are not already connected to the same
Wi-Fi network, both system monitors and the intended controlling smart device must be connected to the same network.
Voxx Link is an APP developed for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets that allows full system remote control and
visual monitoring of the system without having to directly see or directly touch the monitors. This is a great tool to allow
content selection and control of the system for actual users who may be infants and toddlers, too young to control the system
Android Link
Apple Link
Example 1 (Using hotspot on smartphone to establish internet/APP access)
1. Turn on your phone's personal hotspot.
2. Connect the system monitors to your phone's hotspot following the Wi-Fi instructions on page 17.
3. Once the system monitors and the smartphone are connected to the same network, the smartphone will show as the
connected device in the Voxx Link setup menu.
In this setup scenario, the smartphone becomes the gateway to accessing the Internet/APPs and it also becomes the Voxx Link
Remote Control.
Example 2 (Using a vehicle's built-in hotspot or a portable hotspot device to establish internet/APP access)
1. Turn on the hotspot.
2. Connect the system monitors to the hotspot following the Wi-Fi instructions on page 17.
3. Connect the smart device you wish to control the system with to the hotspot (connect smart device to the hotspot through
the smart device Wi-Fi setup).
4. Once the system monitors and the smartphone are connected to the same network, the hotspot will show as the
connected device in the Voxx Link setup menu.
In this setup scenario, the hotspot becomes the gateway to accessing the Internet/APPs and it also becomes the network for the
monitors and the Voxx Link controlling device.
NOTE: If the network name does not display on the monitor in the Voxx Link setup menu, press the "Scan" button in the upper right hand
corner of the monitor to refresh the list.